When i first took this class, I was honestly just taking the class to fulfill my university writing requirement in order for me to graduate. After taking a whole semester of this class with all the ups and downs that were brought along, I ended up actually enjoying the class as a whole and learned a whole lot. What multimodal writing is in a summed up definition is using different texts other then just words and paragraphs and turning them into different writing elements such as audio segments, video segments and even photographs. You are basically telling your story or a story in general through these elements rather than the traditional essay's. By clicking the photo directly next to this text you will be able to see an example of a multimodal piece in which Emily Ballin, a professor at Columbia University in New York City uses an example of a multimodal piece during a Tedx talk.
Skip to 13:21 in video to see final piece
Roger Williams Clock. Samuel Lugo. 15 September 2016