Throughout the semester in this course, there has been different moments and segments in which myself as well as the class as a whole didn't know anything about specific topics. Throughout the semester, the class would read form our text named Out on the Wire which is not your average text due to it being in cartoon form. This textbook is an excellent example of multimodal writing because instead of your average textbook, the author Jessica Abel is teaching people all around the world different multimodal segments, specifically through radio and podcast. After each reading we would write in our Workspace page of our website about what we have just read and our opinion. One of the main points I got out of this book was determining what was a good story and what wasn't a good story. Being a PR major, it is very important to know what is and isn't newsworthy so actually seeing podcast and radio stations use similar steps that I've learned, it allowed me to think about what to put in my I Am From poem as well as our final Quest For Refuge project.
Out On The Wire, Jessica Abel. 25 August. 2016. CC.